Markus Korenjak

I grew up in Austria with an innate passion for travels and adventure. During my journeys around the world I fell in love with the art of photography, building up a distinct curiosity for foreign cultures and identities. Having visited over 70 countries around the world, my interest in imagery has evolved into one for story-telling through visuals. Exploration leads me to fascinating people and places. I’ve captured their stories in various formats and invite you to take a peak here:

Documenting a 17-days Arctic expedition to Spitsbergen, one of the world’s northernmost places; ancient traditions and cultures of native tribes in countries such as Ethiopia, India, Burma, Western New Guinea, Kenya and Namibia, as well conflict and peace in a few Middle Eastern countries are some projects I’ve been working on in the past couple of years.

Image is story, message and emotion. I use light and color to convey a message; to create or deepen an impact; to tell a story. Some stories might reverberate with happiness, fun and energy; others might be sad or sobering. But whatever the story might be, I love to capture its beauty, essence and power on camera.

Feel free to reach out if interested to discuss more and have a good day!

3rd Chania International Photo Festival, Crete, Greece I 12 - 19.08.2020

International Photography Exhibition, Glasgow Gallery of Photography, Glasgow, UK I 22 - 29.08.2020

Black and White, VIEpa 2020 (digital Presentation), Vienna, Austria I 01.09 - 31.12.2020

Tbilisi Night of Photography, Stamba Hotel, Tbilisi, Georgia I 12.09.2020

Fresh Eyes Photo Fair, Westergas, Amsterdam, NL I 16.09 - 20.09.2020

International Landscape Exhibition, Glasgow Gallery of Photography, Glasgow, UK I 16 - 24.10.2020

Motion, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary I 22.10 - 14.11.2020

Portraits, Blank Wall Gallery, Athen, Greece I 23.10 - 04.11.2020
Indian Photography Festival, Hyderabad, India I 12.11 - 13.12.2020

Moments of Color, Blank Wall Gallery, Athen, Greece I Virtual Exhibition from 12.20 - 03.21
Black Edition, Glasgow Gallery of Photography, Glasgow, UK I 27.04 – 08.05.21
4th Chania International Photo Festival, Crete, Greece I 30.06 - 06.07.2021
Landscape, Blank Wall Gallery, Athen, Greece I 28.08 - 08.09.2021
System of distribution, Gallerie di Piedicastello, Trento, Italy I 12.06.21 - 28.02.22

Winner Shoot The Face, Shoot the Frame, April 2020

Winner 1st Prize in the category Travel of the Maghreb Photography Awards 2020
Winner 2nd Prize in the category People (Outdoor) of the Maghreb Photography Awards 2020
Winner International Photographer of the Month Awards, Glasgow Gallery, December 2020
Finalist in the category Documentary of the The LightsFlare International Photography Awards 2020
Finalist Passepartout Photography Prize 2020

Finalist Blank Wall Gallery Awards 2020
Finalist of Shoot The Face, Shoot the Frame, Mai 2020

Shortlist Black and White, Vienna International Photo Awards 2020

Shortlist Historic Photographer of the Year from Trip Historic 2020
Honorable Mention Landscapes of Anthropocene, Acropoli, Sept. 2020
Honorable Mention in the category People (Travel &Culture), ND Awards 2020
Honorable Mention in the category People (Culture) Professional, Tokyo International Foto Awards 2020
Finalist Passepartout Photography Prize 2021

Fresh Eyes 2020 - It’s a book presenting “The 100 greatest emerging European photographers of 2020” - powered by GUP magazine.
The Guardian I Historic Photographers of the Year 2020
Der Spiegel I Die schönsten Aufnahmen historischer Orte weltweit
Der Standard I Irak - Kabaddi
Südwind I Baghdad - Die Zukunft landet am Müll
Wiener Zeitung I Irak - Was vom IS blieb
Wiener Zeitung I Babylon und Saddam Husseins Sommerpalast
Wiener Zeitung I Irak - Umkämpfter Schnaps
Wiener Zeitung | Wenn Namen leuchten
Das Biber I Kamp gegen Rollenbilder
Das Biber I Food-Koma trotz Corona
Das Biber I Selbermacher
Human Habitat I Shipbreaking Yards
Edge of Humanity I Working conditions in Shipbreaking Yards
AWO International I Ukraine Nothilfe

Buero de Martin
Carpe Diem Kombucha
Cerha Hempel
Das Biber
Der Standard
Diane de Malherbe
Forum Mediaplannung
Hörhan Strategy Consultants
Karl Renner Institut
Morocco Animal Aid
TU Wien
University of Vienna
Universty of Amsterdam
Ute Bock
Wiener Zeitung